Guidelines for authors
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[NOTE : Prominent Publications uses single login (username/password) for the Prominent Publications User Service and Submission System.]
Login to Prominent Publications User Service
To access the options under the Prominent Publication User Service such as ( Editing Service, Become Reviewer or Editorial Board Member) follow the link which will direct you to the Prominent Publication User Service centre. In this basic information regarding Research area, Affiliation, Country and so on (Strongly Recommended) may be asked to update for records which will not be used for other purposes (See Prominent Publication Privacy Statement for more information). After login, the users can follow the ‘guide-note’ given in each and every specific page for the easy and rapid process.
Login to Submission System
The two major processes (Article Submission and Review Process) can be done by login to the Submission System at After login, the user may be asked to update their basic details regarding Research area, Affiliation, Country and so on (Strongly Recommended) for records which will not be used for other purpose without permission (See Prominent Publication Privacy Statement for more information). The authors and reviewers can check the status of their submissions and reviews. To make the online process simple and easy for the authors and reviewers, we have given ‘guide-note’ in each and every specific page.
Journal published by Prominent Publications are peer reviewed quarterly journal aims at bridging the gap between academicians and industries by providing a common platform to interact.
Prominent Publications Journal invites original contributions from the researchers, academicians, industrial practitioners, students, etc in the form of "State of the Art" review, research papers and case studies on various disciplines of Engineering & Technology, Management & Applied Science & Humanities and associated allied as well interdisciplinary areas.
Types of Papers:
The following types of papers can be considered for publication in Journal published by Prominent Publication :
- Theory based papers.
- Case study based papers.
- Empirical study based papers
- Review papers
Paper Length :
A paper should not be more than 8 contain normally 3000 to 5000 words including all text, figure and tables etc.
Submission of Manuscripts:
The following guidelines are to be adhered to while submitting the manuscripts :
1. The desired order of content is as follows
- Title of the paper
- Author/Authors of the paper
- Affiliation of Author / Authors of the paper
- Author for correspondence with full postal address, E-mail,
- Abstract
- Main Text
- Acknowledgement
- Reference
- Appendices (if any) Each Table, Graph, Figure, Photograph should have a number and caption at the top and should be placed in the text at the appropriate locations. Tables, Graphs, Diagrams etc should be sent in original.
2. The abstract of the paper should be brief, self contained, explicit and should not exceed 200 words. At the end of the abstract, keywords in the paper should be listed. Abstract should be typed in single line spacing using Time New Roman 10 font.
3. The manuscript of the paper should be in English, typed using Times New Roman 12 font on one side of the A4 size good quality white bond paper in single spacing. It is advisable to include only those mathematical symbols, terms which are necessary for understanding of the paper. The derivation of mathematical/statistical formulas should be avoided.
4. References should be cited within the text giving the surname of the Author / Authors and year of publication in parentheses (e.g Corti C.W. & Kharche Suyog (2009)). All references should be listed in alphabetical order in the Bibliography at the end of paper in the following style :
Mohanty R P &; Deshmukh S G (2001), "Business Process Reengineering : Value Innovation in Industrial Engineering practices", International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.14,2001,pp119-135.
Richard G Kaye & Qiang Tu (2009), "Quality-Productivity Interface", International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, January 3rd – 7th, 2009, VJTI Mumbai, pp 21-28.
Magrab Edward B (1997), Integrated Product and Process Design and Development, CRC Press, New York, pp78-81.
Book Chapter:
Charkha P G & Jaju S B (2019), "Decision Support System for Supply Chain Performance Measurement: Case of Textile Industry", Book- New Paradigms in Industry 4.0. Studies in Big Data 64, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, pp 99-117.
5. The author/authors should sign and send Copyright Declaration form stating that the research paper is the original contribution of author/authors and has neither been published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editor or the Prominent Publication will not be responsible for the contents of the technical/research paper and the authors of such paper will bear full responsibility for the issues accruing due to infringement of copyright or confidentiality of data.
6. Whenever the copyright material is used, author/authors should be accurate in reproduction and obtain permission from copyright holders if necessary.
7. Correspondence and proof for correction will be sent to the first author, unless otherwise indicated. The author will receive page proof for checking, but it is expected to correct only typesetting errors. Proof should be returned within mentioned deadlines.
8. At least one of the authors of the paper should be an active member / life member of Prominent Publication (Active member means whose membership is in currency i.e. all dues paid/life member please mention your Membership No.)). Otherwise, nonmembers of PPH are requested to submit Article Processing Charges of Rs. 1000 towards publication through net banking (NEFT/ RTGS) or through Using UPI for accepted manuscript. Foreign authors are requested to submit Article Processing Charges of 25 USD. The decision regarding publication of paper in journals of Prominent Publication will be solely based on comments from reviewer (blind review process).
9. All manuscripts have to be sent to with copy to ___________________.